The Mosaic of the House of the Dragon (Mosaico della Casa del Drago)

The Mosaic of the House of the Dragon (Mosaico della Casa del Drago) image provided by Pedar Foss. “Mosaico Della Casa Del Drago.”,

The Mosaic of the House of the Dragon (Mosaico della Casa del Drago), discovered during the 1998 archeological excavation of the ancient site of Kaulonía (see also: Caulonia, Caulon, now known as Southern Calabria, Magna Graecia, Italy) is a polychrome floor mosaic of a sea dragon. It was located near the entrance to a dining hall within the House of the Dragon (Casa del Drago), to which it gave its name. The House of the Dragon is dated to have been developed during the Hellenistic Era, and the mosaic itself is dated specifically to the 3rd century BCE. The 1.9m x 0.9m mosaic is composed of numerous types of tesserae, including stone, glass, and pottery fragments. While very little information is known about the history of the mosaic, new discoveries will be made, as it is under a restoration project at the Archaeological Museum of Monasterace.

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